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Kitty's Travel Inc.
38W 32nd Street, Suite 1303    New York   N.Y 10001
Visa Types
38W 32nd Street, Suite 1303 New York, N.Y 10001      view map

Foreigners who intend to go to China as a tourism. It will be issue Tourism Visa (L)
Visa for 10 years multiple entries and the intended duration of stay in China exceeds
60 days.

1.Original Passport:
Original signed passport with at least six months of remaining validity and blank visa

2.One Passport Copy:
A copy of the passport's data page and the photo page if  it is separate.

3.One Photograph:  
Photo should be taken within six months with white background. Snapshot and photo
copy computer picture will not be accepted.
Click here for photo guideline.

4.Visa Application Form:
One completed visa application form with signature.

5.Proof of legal stay or residence status in U.S:  
If you are non-U.S and Canada citizens, you must provide the original and photocopy
of your valid visa of stay in U.S,employment or student status.

6.If you was born in China.:
If  you was born in China, and this is your first time applying Chinese visa. You have
to provide original Chinese passport. If you had Chinese visa but the old U.S passport
expired. You have provide copy of old U.S passport, copy of previous Chinese visa.

7.Name changed:
If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must
provide an official document of name change.

8.Applicant who under 18 yeas old
Must provide copy of birth certificate.

.Child was born in the U.S. but parents are Chinese citizens:
If the applicant is a child (under 18 yeas old) who was born in the U.S but parents are
Chinese citizen, and this is first time to apply Chinese visa. Please provide original birth
certificate. Parent's Chinese passport copy. Proof of parents' visa/Residency Status.

10.Child who is adopted from China:
If the applicant who is adopted from China, and this is first time to apply Chinese visa.
Please provide original Chinese passport, original adoption certificated.

1. Travel documents:
Confirmed round trip airline ticket.  Proof of a hotel reservation.
1.Regular Service
(5+Business day):

Consular Fee + Service Fee:

1. For U.S Passport:
$140.00 + $55.00 = $195.00

2. For Canada Passport:
$80.00 + $55.00 = $135.00

3. For Other passport
$30.00 + $55.00 = $85.00

Shipping Fees is not included.
2.Express Service
(3+Business day):

Consular Fees + Service Fee:

For U.S Passport:
$165.00 + $90.00 = $255.00

For Canada Passport:
$105.00 + $90.00 = $195.00

For other Passport:
$50.00 $90.00 = $140.00

Not include shipping fees.
We accept :
Credit Card,Check,
and Money Order.

Payment payable to:   
Kitty's Travel Inc.

38W 32nd Street, Suite 1303,  
New York, NY. 10001
Processing Fees:
Payment Methods: